02 August 2022
Coral Gables, FL
Since 2004 September has been designated Life Insurance Awareness month (LIAM). It has been dedicated to the lives lost in the terrorist attacks of 9/11 to educate Americans about the importance of life insurance. This year Cesar Lopez and Ted Rusinoff, a lifetime Top of the Table MDRT Member from Ohio,USA have been chosen to moderate a fire side chat.
“Every year LIAM is very special to me. The industry came together and paid out every life claim received due to the terrorist attacks. Not only is it a testament of character of the industry in times of need, but it was a show of upmost good faith, promises being kept and of financial strength. This year it hits a little closer to home since a Latin Woman has been chosen as the spokesperson for Life Happens. As a very successful Puerto Rican and Latina, I’m counting on Roslyn Sanchez to deliver a powerful message to the world, hopefully with a little more emphasis towards the Latin Markets.” Mr. Lopez declared when asked why he chose this year to collaborate with MDRTs Fireside chat.
The MDRT/Life Happens Fireside chat is set to take place the Monday after September 11th, (Monday September 12th from 1230h EST - 1400h EST)